Listen to your inner guidance, open up to surprises, and take a step.
Breaking Boundaries: Your Journey Beyond Comfort
Join me on a journey of breaking boundaries and embracing adventure in this captivating blog post. Discover the transformative power of stepping beyond your comfort zone and unlocking new possibilities in your life. Get inspired to push past limitations and live your fullest life.
What is the Difference Between Coaching & Therapy?
Discover the nuances between coaching and therapy, and how they complement each other in personal growth journeys. Explore the differences in qualifications, approaches, and focuses to make informed decisions about your holistic well-being.
How Do You Feel About Valentine’s Day?
The good news is that you are definitely not destined to keep repeating patterns that hurt. You are not consciously making choices that lead to pain, but only 5% of our lives are coming from our conscious mind. The unhealed wounds we’re all working to heal, are rooted in the subconscious mind.
Hypnosis: A Shortcut to Lasting Results
I prefer to pair hypnotherapy with coaching because while deep healing is rooted in the subconscious, we want our conscious mind to be in the driver's seat of our lives. Coaching works with the conscious mind. Life becomes magical when we work with both.
Embracing the Leap: Navigating Life's Cliffs
But only by jumping do we have the experience of being caught! Only by jumping do we discover that Love held us all along. Only by jumping do we get to experience the next exciting, expansive part of our life.
What Does Balance Look Like For You?
Winter graciously extends an invitation for us to slow our pace, turn inward, and embrace rest. For some, the challenge lies in resting; for others, it's in taking action.
2024: A Year of Renewal and Healing
Don't overthink the 'right' step; look for the one that makes you feel alive. Don't stress about the 'how'; just give yourself a nod to feel the excitement of the possibilities.
Seven Simple Truths
You are a radiant, powerful, eternal being of Light with far more capability than you may yet have glimpsed. You are the Divine, undergoing a human experience – just like everyone else.
Whispers from the Woods
How is nature speaking to you? What words of encouragement has she recently shared?
Pain is a Doorway
I've never been more acutely aware of my own inner drive to feel positive than I am right now.
We are Love
We are divine, eternal, powerful, radiant beings of Light, having a brief human experience!
Splish Splash - A painting by Britta Anderson
The question becomes, “How long are we going to reject ourselves?” You and I were made worthy of love.
Solitude is Earned
All of life is the Divine, slowing down its vibration enough to take on the density of physical form.
Why Struggle is a Gift
All of life is the Divine, slowing down its vibration enough to take on the density of physical form.
The Song of Love
Everything is a vibration. That’s what I learned during my near-death experience.
An Invitation
Love has been dancing with you, carrying you, and inviting you in since before you were born.
My Near-Death Experience: A Not-So-Ordinary Day
I found myself in another realm which we refer to as ‘heaven’ but was unlike anything I had ever imagined.
What My Clients Say