You are the Alchemist of your Future
The future is filled with promise.
More and more people are waking up to their connection with Source energy. We know now that the same power that created the Universe also flows through them, and all of life, not just intellectually but experientially. It may still feel dark sometimes because the old paradigm is collapsing, and the new one is not yet here.
You and I have a role to play in co-creating this new paradigm. It’s why we’re here, bringing our awareness more fully to the truth of who we have always been – radiant, eternal, expressions of the Life Force. That power flowing through us, not our egoic power, is what will create the future we long for.
It will take each of us doing our inner work, healing from the past, stepping free of its icy grip, and becoming people who create and respond to life, instead of reacting like we once did. It is our human flaws that provide the raw material we need to become the alchemists we authentically are. In the same way the earth takes coal and turns it to diamonds, so too are we here to take our flaws and turn them into a more expanded version of ourselves.
This dance of awakening, of alchemy, is a dance of acceptance and compassion that must begin within, but it quickly ripples outward. Only when we love the qualities that we most dislike and reject or project, can we possibly see the good in others.
As we become the alchemists of our own lives, so too do we become the alchemists for the world around us.
For only eyes that have been healed see wholeness instead of brokenness. Only bodies accepted as they are see perfection in all shapes. Only those who have healed their own shame dance free of the judgment of others. Only those who have embraced the pain of rejection see the beauty of diversity. Only those willing to let go of broken dreams can fully embrace what is, and learn to fly free of a past that no longer exists.
The dance of alchemy requires that we carry the wounds, judgments, and misperceptions of life to the interior chamber of our being, where we allow the powerful loving of our own heart, always connected to Source, to transform the negativity into empowerment, freedom, gratitude and joyful service.