Holistic Healing
This process is perfect for you if you have targeted areas in your life you want to initiate, eliminate, or revive – but nothing in the past has worked.
Learn how to break addictions, cultivate self-awareness and more.
Meditative Therapy
Meditative Therapy is a deep healing process that empowers you to reach into your subconscious to understand what has been holding you back, why you feel stuck or stagnant in your life, and how to break free from that which constrains you.
How it works…
Feel deeply relaxed and safe, able to open your eyes at any time.
Experience increased energy, clarity, and peace.
Deepen self-compassion and gratitude as you awaken to the creative way your subconscious brain has always protected you by providing a belief system and behaviors that provided explanations for your experience of pain.
Provide new guidelines to your subconscious brain, replacing its outdated belief system with the updated version that you now want to experience.
Understand root causes and false beliefs and how they impact your behavior.
Become the master of your own life, not your sweet (but wounded) inner child.
Tune into body sensations and learn how your body communicates with you.
Meet your wise inner self.
Experience the healing power of your own heart.
Uncover new beliefs and core truths.
Regain self-confidence and self-worth.
First, you’ll choose a habit, addiction, or goal that you want to understand more clearly.
Then, to gain the access to all the insights of your subconscious mind, Joan brings you into a deep state of relaxation using meditation and guided imagery. In this hypnotic state you will:
Six, 90-Minute Sessions
Price $1,000
BONUS! Personalized meditations to break old patterns and form new ones.
Quantum Healing
Quantum Healing is perfect for you if you are a bold explorer who wants to understand both hidden traumas and core strengths that you may be unaware of in your conscious state.
Free yourself from your past and live your potential.
“Quantum Healing begins with the acknowledgement that our past lives and experiences have a powerful impact on our current earthly journey.
This is next-level healing, and the changes I have seen in my clients who do this work are nothing short of miraculous.”
How it works…
First, you’ll honor your intuitive guidance that there is information, healing, relationship patterns or gifts to be explored from a life experience before this one. Then, to gain the cooperation of your subconscious mind and Higher Self – where the answers lie – Joan brings you into a deep state of relaxation using meditation and guided imagery. In this hypnotic state, you will:
Feel deeply relaxed and safe, able to open your eyes at any time.
Connect with your guides and invite them to travel with you.
Have a truly compelling experience, like watching a 3D movie from another time and place.
Gain information from a previous existence that will have a freeing influence on this life.
Heal on some level: mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. Your Higher Self determines how that shows up for you.
Become aware that every life has a lesson and purpose, and what we do not learn or complete, we repeat.
Clean up relationships, break vows that no longer serve you, reclaim gifts and qualities you once had, and learn to co-create from the 7th Dimension – depending on your goals and your Higher Self’s guidance.
Know experientially that you are an eternal being having a life experience.
Focus on what matters most in your life while simultaneously learning not to take yourself too seriously.
Six, 90-Minute Sessions
Price $1,000
BONUS! Personalized meditations to break old patterns and form new ones.