Whispers from the Woods

How is nature speaking to you?

What words of encouragement has she recently shared?

Optimally, each of us carves out time to walk with open hearts, inquisitive minds, and gentle feet upon the Earth as part of our daily routine. In reality, I fall short of that goal. With shorter, darker days, I am spending far less time outside than just a month ago, but that’s okay. I live in a spectacular place that enables me to listen to the guidance of Nature every time I glance out a window, drive across town, or step outside.

It is not the length of time we spend in nature that matters, but how we tune into Her message throughout our day. It is one of the many ways that we can tune into the Divine within us, and all around us. Learning to dance with the Divine is not about waiting for some spectacular moment of metanoia that leads to transformation.

The dance is about holding the intention to experience the wonder of each day, knowing the Divine is omnipresent.

In the midst of an ordinary day, I’d like to share a few whispers from the woods. I was walking beneath a heavy gray sky, feeling oppressed by its weight and the troubles of the world, when my vision was drawn to the stark, naked trees I passed. Days ago, these same trees looked glorious with their vibrant leaves of gold and red, dancing in the gentle breezes of Autumn.  

I felt compassion for these newly barren trees, wondering if they felt vulnerable or free without their beautiful canopy of leaves. There was a simple resiliency that took my breath away as I walked beneath the gnarled trunks and leafless branches. The trees weren’t perfect, all were scarred by the storms of their past. Life is not about perfection.

None of us is the product of some painter’s brush, but of Life. Who are we in our flawed nakedness?   

It takes tremendous courage to stand in our raw authenticity - deeply rooted, scarred, and sometimes afraid, but still daring to reach skyward on our journey to mastery and joy. It is my goal to live a transparent life, to stand tall with all of my vulnerabilities and scars, just as late Autumn trees do, not because of some notion of righteousness or perfection, but because the roots of freedom are sewn in the ground of authenticity. 

I heard the woods whisper five messages meant for each of us:  

  1. Do not be afraid to let the world see you as you are.

  2. Stand tall and take up as much space as you want, because you are meant to be here.

  3. Allow yourself to bend with the wind.

  4. You inspire the world around you by being fully, and freely you. You have and will always be enough. 

  5. Carve out time to nurture habits that permit your roots to grow deep. 


Seven Simple Truths


Pain is a Doorway