2024: A Year of Renewal and Healing

Happy New Year dear friends!

Can you believe it's 2024 already? These past few years have been a whirlwind, right? Remember when we all sighed in relief, thinking the pandemic was behind us? Little did we know, life had other plans, and our world would change forever.

Change is happening, and by definition, it's a bit unnerving.

I haven't found anyone who thought last year was a breeze. It's like the universe shook things up just enough to force us to break free from a past we had outgrown. We humans like our comfort zones. We snuggle up in them like a cozy blanket, sometimes reminiscing about the past or dreaming of what might yet be. Life has a way of pulling us out of those comfort zones to take action, like an early morning alarm clock. Often, we’d rather pull the covers up and go back to sleep. But we didn’t come onto the planet to sleep - we came here to live our lives to the fullest! 

Living full out is different for each one of us, but you are here on purpose for a purpose.

Living full out is a balancing act between ‘being’ and ‘doing’ until we reach the high-frequency state where being is doing, and doing is being.

Many of us have felt the fatigue, emotional fragility, and a sense of being uprooted. Yet, amidst the challenges, new gifts have emerged – some intuitive, others tangible. Some have experienced heightened intuition, encountered departed loved ones, or had prophetic dreams. Others have found new opportunities in the realms of jobs, relationships, and health. Your growth is uniquely yours, and the Loving Life Force understands your language, urging you forward in a way that perfectly suits your journey.

You can be assured you’ll receive what you need for the journey… All you need to do is take a step forward. 

It's freeing to acknowledge that this awakening journey is both exhausting and exhilarating. It can drop us to our knees in pain one moment and fill us with bliss the next. It's a wild ride, and whether we feel ready or not, we're here to be new.

This future we're co-creating demands that we be as whole, healthy, and deeply connected to our inner guidance as possible. The luxury of delaying our healing work is no more. There's something new unfolding around us, and each of us plays a vital role.

We cannot carry the heavy weight of past wounds into our future.

The gift of 2023 was the stirring of our wounded hearts. The pain of our past could no longer be denied. But here's the beauty – we can't keep living the same patterns repeatedly. Healing is readily available and accepted in our time, making this moment different from every other.

Not knowing your next step is okay. Root yourself in silence, listen to your inner guidance, and take a step. Don't search for the 'right' step; look for the one that fills you with excitement. Don't let the 'how' deter you; simply grant yourself permission to feel the excitement of what might be. That's where you are needed, and those are the gifts you have to share.

2024 is your year. You are ready. Let's soar!


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