Seven Simple Truths

A Message from the Other Side

Long ago, when I was a young woman of twenty-three, I had a transformative near-death experience that continues to shape my life and the work I do.

I received a download of information, and I was told to share it using the exact words that were relayed to me. What makes this extraordinary is that I had a cerebral edema from the physical injury that caused me to have an out of body experience. I could not remember anything for almost two years – but I remember this message and that experience like it happened yesterday. What I share with you is exactly as it was communicated to me. 

1. There is only Love

I know, this is challenging, but it holds undeniable Truth. The journey of evolution, healing, or waking up is all about immersing oneself in the essence of Love – and recognizing its universal presence. This is the primary, foundational Truth from which all the others flow. It provides direction and guidance for healing. The path forward is paved with thoughts, beliefs, and actions that reflect wholeness and acceptance of others.

2. You are Love.

Being unlovable isn’t a possibility because you embody Love. This Truth is the doorway that leads to healing, freedom and joy, and it constitutes the focal point of my work. Given that the reality is that we are love, every thought that we are hard to love, not deserving of happiness, connection, abundance or health must be rooted in false narratives made to feel real. The journey to personal wholeness is an internal process of healing that leads to self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and self-accountability. This is the path of mastery, and it is a lifelong endeavor. 

3. We are One.

Oneness is a profound Truth. We live in a world that dictates a sense of separation. Yet, the reality is one of total interconnectedness. Only when we leave our physical bodies can we comprehend that we are all part of the Source of Life, akin to how a sunbeam is part of the sun. We retain our individuality, even without a body, but we remain intricately linked. Envision musical notes played by various instruments and vocalists, flowing together in a beautiful harmony to create a song. The song itself, rather than the individual contributors, epitomizes the extent of our interconnectedness. 

4. You matter far more than you know.

We are here because we choose to be present in this moment. We are here with a purpose in mind. We share collective goals and also have our personal missions – both contributing to the growth and expansion of our eternal self, or what I call the soul.  Each of us adds something important to the big picture, whether we're in our bodies or not. If you tune into your heart, you'll know what you're meant to do. Your life purpose will lead to fulfillment, passion, intense joy, and deep connection. Some of us are here to do hands-on work, building structures and caring for the Earth. Some of us are here to be astronauts, physicians, and professors. There is no hierarchy - every role is equally important beyond our physical lives. What matters is living a life true to yourself, not what others expect. If you don’t fulfill your purpose, you will have to come back and do it again – probably with more challenges. So, no shortcuts - tune in, listen, and go for it! 

5. Religion got it wrong. 

Expressing this Truth was particularly challenging for me, given the cultural background of my family. I was raised in a very strict Catholic household, where being Catholic was a fundamental part of our identity. It wasn't until my father passed away this past summer that I felt liberated to fully embrace and express this Truth. When I was out of my body, in the loving embrace of Mama God (my term for the source of Unconditional Loving energy) I gained insight into how religions had misinterpreted things. I couldn't help but laugh at how wrong we got it! There is no possibility of rejection from god. We don't need anyone to speak for us; although, there are guides and angels who are happy to help when we ask. Giving away our power to let others decide what's 'right' and 'wrong' is risky. Each of us is an expression of the Divine, and we are loved forever and always, no matter what. We judge ourselves, and the whole purpose of life is to learn and grow until we finally know ourselves to be fully human and fully divine. 

6. There is no such thing as death.

We may change forms, but we never truly die. Our loved ones are often right beside us, and always when we need them. We can learn to communicate with those on the other side; it’s not a gift limited to a few.  Death is not to be feared, it is a reason to celebrate because it means we get to go Home. It is also part of Earth School to endure, embrace, and grow through grief. Through suffering, we learn compassion and empathy. I don't want to downplay the pain of grief, but that doesn't change the fact that death is not the end. 

7. There is no such thing as time.

This is so wild! Everything is unfolding at this very moment. Our brains cannot comprehend the reality of this because our bodies create the illusion of a linear life, but in reality, it's not that way. This is where quantum physics, past-life regression, akashic records, the emotion code, and all forms of hypnotherapy have the most impact. Healing and co-creation occur in the present moment, and it reverberates throughout all of time! 

There is far more to be written about each of these truths, but I share them with you now for 2 reasons:

We are at a crossroads. Will we choose the path of wholeness and evolution, or the path of polarity and separation? Our varied perspectives are as essential as the diverse gifts we bring. Our purpose isn't to conform but to be genuinely, boldly, and wholly ourselves. This moment offers a unique chance for each of us to support and uplift one another as we forge a collective path ahead.

My role, a key aspect of why I'm here, is to provide healing and mentorship while I continue my own journey of growth and expansion.  I can’t claim to have ‘arrived’ but I promise you that I am actively involved, applying the same skills and tools I share with you. Everything I do circles back to these foundational, transformative simple truths. If they resonate with you, I invite you to embark on a similar path. 

You are a radiant, powerful, eternal being of Light with far more capability than you may yet have glimpsed. You are the Divine, undergoing a human experience – just like everyone else.

I share these truths with you today because our world seems to be in disarray, doesn’t it? There is more polarity, blame, anger, and violence in the world than we’ve known in our lifetimes. I’ll delve deeper into our challenges in future blogs, but for today I simply want to acknowledge that many aspects of life feel uncertain. Despite that, I want to reassure you that everything is okay. The Seven Simple Truths are essentially the message of Love and Comfort from the Other Side, intended to help you hold onto hope, step fully into the healing available to you, trust yourself, and join me in this dance of joy!


2024: A Year of Renewal and Healing


Whispers from the Woods