There Are Many Paths
to Healing.
Spiritual Psychology
The art and science of conscious awakening.
Spiritual psychology can teach you how to use your life experiences as an opportunity for growth and deeper happiness. This tool approaches life from the perspective that we are souls having a human experience. From this perspective, we embrace all of life as an opportunity. The approach to healing is holistic, practical, and meditative.
Happiness is within each one of us. As we learn the tools of spiritual psychology, we learn how to come home to our hearts, our Authentic Self. But this journey is not ambiguous or ethereal – it is feet in the mud, laugh out loud, cry when it hurts, take that next step, and live your life to its fullest.
Spiritual Psychology is a practical approach to life that uses all our external experiences to awaken more fully to the internal, eternal dimension of who we are. That’s where our power lies. By healing and freeing our internal self, we experience more of the vitality, abundance, connection, and compassion of life.
Life simply gets better.
Spiritual Psychology will help you…
Grow in confidence.
Learn practical ways to embrace strong emotions and express them in a healthy way.
Deepen in self-acceptance and compassion.
Expand your empathy for others, recognizing that they too are doing the best they can with what they have.
Embrace transformative processes to heal your inner child, which heals every other aspect of your life.
Take practical steps to hold yourself accountable to what you say you want to experience in life.
Understand how you have stopped yourself from moving forward and why that served you – freeing you to act.
Begin to dream a bigger dream for your life, knowing you are unstoppable!
Meditative Therapy
“The moment you understand something, you are free of it.”
– Jiddu Krishnamurti
Meditative therapy is a deeply relaxing technique that uses clinical hypnosis, spiritual psychology, and rapid transformation therapy to provide a gentle, meditative, customized experience that helps you discover the root cause of your self-limiting thoughts, feelings, and actions – and free yourself from it.
This experience is like guided meditation – you can either immerse yourself fully in the experience or easily awaken from it at any moment. Joan will be your guide, but you remain in control the entire time. Meditative Therapy is woven into each of Joan’s coaching packages because sustainable change happens over time with support.
By combining coaching with Meditative Therapy, we build a bridge from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind, shining a light on the beautiful truth of who you were before your heart was wounded. This process frees up energy and enables you to authentically feel more joyful and excited about life – which helps you meet your goals.
Meditative Therapy will help you…
Learn to relax deeply, decreasing stress and anxiety in your life.
Gain insight into the emotional causes of pain, illness, and dis-ease, freeing you from it. (This is never a guarantee, but it often happens.)
Begin to break long-standing addictions.
Learn to be the ideal parent for your younger self.
Understand the ways you get in your own way, and block that which you most long for.
Leave the past in the past – finally.
Learn how to listen to your inner guidance.
Remind yourself of your value.
Deepen self-acceptance and compassion for yourself, which extends to deeper compassion for others.
Feel nurtured, safe, and respected throughout the process.
Honor your beliefs.
Feel more clarity, joy, and freedom than ever before.
Quantum Healing
“How you think and how you feel creates your state of being. The quantum field responds to who you’re being.”
– Dr. Joe Dispenza
Quantum Healing is like Meditative Therapy, but our intention is to play in the 7th Dimension – the place beyond time and space. Quantum healing is for those who are curious about reincarnation, the eternity of the soul, and some form of Higher Power. The goal of Quantum Healing, like every other modality offered, is to find the root cause of what is holding you back in this life and then free yourself from it. The various tools we use to journey into the quantum field include Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Past Life Regression and Akashic Records.
Within the context of a safe, professional, nurturing environment, your own Higher Self leads us to the time, place, space, and experience that is perfect for you. You will feel deeply relaxed but able to open your eyes at any moment. Think of Quantum Healing as finding the key to a buried treasure chest, opening it, and retrieving the jewels that will help you live your most fulfilling, rewarding life – now.
Quantum Healing will help you…
Understand the origins of challenging relationships.
Understand the origins of physical discomfort and release it.
Gain clarity about your life purpose.
Reclaim the gifts you once had.
Feel the joy, freedom, and confidence you once had, then reclaim it.
Break vows, contracts, and agreements you once made but no longer need or want.
Create an opportunity for you to have conversations and receive messages from those loved ones on the other side – though this is never a guarantee.
Provide an opportunity for you to ask questions of your Higher Self.
Retrieve qualities you once had but lost due to trauma on the Earth plane.
Help you feel more comfortable with mortality, knowing death is nothing but a doorway Home.

I’ve spent four decades exploring and studying these tools and modalities. My goal is and has always been to bring more healing power and joy into your life.
Your Higher Self will happily guide you on this journey, taking you to the exact time and place with the most healing available to you, gently revealing what was hidden so that you can apply loving compassion to that version of yourself and step away from it for the final time.
All sessions will be recorded, and most of them are only available in combination with coaching because this deep healing work is better integrated and applied with a trained professional's support over time. Opening the door to the 7th Dimension is fun, healing, and surprising – but our only purpose in exploring the other side is to help you in this life. Our goal is to help you be your authentic, happiest, most fulfilled version of yourself.
Rapid Transformation Therapy™
Direct access to your subconscious mind.
Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) differs from other forms of hypnosis because of the therapeutic interventions that happen during the session. As a certified, trained practitioner of RTT, Joan will make sure you feel safe, guided, and relaxed throughout this healing session.
As with all forms of hypnosis, you will be in control the entire time and can easily open your eyes if you would like to. The more deeply you can relax, the more easily your subconscious mind will reveal its secrets, enabling you to reclaim more of your natural radiance.
One of the Rules of the Mind is that your brain’s job is to protect you – always. You will go to the perfect depth of relaxation for you – however light or deep that is. The deepest healing occurs in a series of three to six sessions on a single issue, with time for integration between each session. You will receive a recording to help with the rewiring of your brain as you form new beliefs and take new action steps.
Coaching is highly supportive, but not required, depending on which package works best for you.
Rapid Transformation Therapy™ will help you…
Finally make those positive changes that have eluded you in the past.
Reframe negative beliefs, values, habits, and emotions – many of which you have carried since childhood.
Change the way you think and end negative self-talk.
Identify how, where, and when negative beliefs were formed – and step free of them.
Take back the power of your life.
As a bonus, you will receive a personalized audio recording to listen to every day for 30 days. This recording will reinforce the new neural pathways created during our session.
Understanding is freeing. Under hypnosis, your ability to holistically understand will be transformative. You will see clearly how your negative beliefs were formed, why they influenced your life, and how you can change them.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Transformational healing..
Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) is an alternative healing therapy that combines aspects of hypnosis, past life regression, and spirituality to address physical, mental, and emotional issues. The therapy is based on the idea that past life experiences and the subconscious mind can affect an individual's present life and well-being.
QHHT is an amazing journey of your consciousness. This transformative tool is available to all clients who work with Joan in her 12-Month coaching package. The healing that occurs is deep, sometimes stirring up emotions that are best supported through longer-term professional coaching.
QHHT is teaches us that all answers and healing lie within. People come for a QHHT session for many reasons. Some out of curiosity and others with specific questions about their life purpose, family, work, or health issues. Nearly every client wants to better understand why their life has been the way it has and, most importantly, how to move forward.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique will help you…
Gain insight into the root causes of physical ailments and the purpose they have in your life. (Some people experience complete remission of those symptoms, but not all.)
Increase your energy and enthusiasm for life.
Discover the origins of painful emotions.
Gain clarity on why you experience mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical pain.
Grow spiritually by accessing your Higher Self and embracing your spiritual path.
Grasp your life’s purpose and reach a deeper understanding of who you are.
Access the place beyond time and space and know that your own Inner Guidance will take you to the exact time and place for the healing you are ready for.
Feel free to be more creative, to share your voice, and be visible in empowering ways.
Connect to your own heart, your inner wisdom, and your unique contribution to the world.
Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment
“Awaken your potential by harnessing the power of your energy.”
– Bruce D. Schneider
You are an energetic being, and your thoughts create your reality. You can learn how to channel your energy and your thoughts so that you can reach your goals and serve your Higher Self.
The Energy Leadership Index Assessment is an evidence-based online assessment that will give you an accurate snapshot of how your thoughts are impacting your life.
You have the power to create a new life experience when you learn to gain control over your thoughts over time. Professional coaching and learning how to heal the cause of our thoughts can open a doorway to an entirely new experience of life – because you can change your thoughts, and your life.
The Energy Leadership Index Assessment is a qualitative way to measure the impact of coaching. Clients enrolled in Joan’s 6-month or 12-month coaching packages will take this assessment at the outset of our work together and again upon completion. You will see how your willingness to embark on deep healing work has changed how you show up in the world.
At our best, we are filled with high energy, enthusiasm for life, creative ideas, and the ability to collaborate joyfully with others. This is called anabolic energy, because it adds to our experience of life, enabling us to live our potential and help others do the same. The opposite is catabolic energy, which is divisive, angry, and rooted in feeling like a victim. The long-term impact of catabolic energy is destructive.
Each of us experiences both catabolic and anabolic energy, but the opportunity for healing lies in becoming aware of it and addressing the thoughts that keep us mired in catabolic energy. Unlike personality assessments, the Energy Leadership Index Assessment shows us who we are being, and then we can decide if we want to make changes or not.
The Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment will help you…
Understand the 7 Different Levels of Energy, ranging from feeling like a victim to feeling the passion and enthusiasm of knowing you create your life experience.
Welcome every level of energy, including the life-draining levels, for the opportunities of healing they bring.
Measure the impact of coaching on your life – objectively and visually.
Tune into the ways your physical body communicates with you, letting you know when you are being true to your Authentic Self or not.
See how empowered, authentic living leads to higher levels of energy, which leads to more joy.
This tool works equally well with groups as it does with individuals and can be highly useful in workspace environments.