An Invitation

Love has been dancing with you, carrying you, and inviting you in since before you were born. There has never been a moment when you were not dancing within Love, but you may not have been aware of it.

Each invitation is personalized so your invitation will look very different from mine, but it will be unmistakable.  An invitation shifts something within us,  that enables us to  know for sure there is more to this world than we imagined.

Some of you came onto the planet wide awake and dancing. There are many among us, scattered across each generation, but particularly among the young, that are highly intuitive, gifted, and consciously connected to the Life Force. These awakened ones do not perceive the illusion of separation the same way others do. They are not experiencing the same depth of forgetting as most, because they are highly evolved beings in a temporary physical form, here to help us evolve.  They do not easily fit in with their peers, often have atypical brains, and struggle mightily when they are young, but if they can survive the flames of those early painful years, they soar with the strength and leadership qualities of the Phoenix. They need our support, acceptance, compassion and guidance.

Most of us have memories of communicating with angelic beings or invisible friends, as very young children, but chose to close off that communication after an experience of ridicule or rejection.  It’s still there, and you can reclaim it.

If you haven’t yet had the kind of mystical experience I am describing, I assure you that you can. Love longs to reveal itself to each of us. 

My recommendation is to carve out space in your life for the Divine and try something new. The Source of Life speaks your language and will reveal itself to you in the perfect way, at the perfect time, if you open the door to your heart just a little.  I encourage you to release expectations, develop a daily meditation practice, and keep showing up.  Additionally, you may want to try some of these experiential, expansive processes: visionary breathwork, chanting, energy work, sound healing, intensive retreats, yogic practices, plant medicine, sound healing, past life regression, or any other reputable practice by people you trust.

Listen to your inner guidance, open to surprises, and take a step.

Saying ‘yes’ to Love’s invitation is to become a willing, conscious, full participant in the dance of your life, as a divine being upon the Earth, aware that you are within the embrace of Love, always.  The more you allow yourself to be filled by Love, the more you will contribute to the world, in your own unique way.  This is a dance that begins with you and ripples out. Ultimately, this is the dance of transformation, not because the world changes but because you do.


The Song of Love


My Near-Death Experience: A Not-So-Ordinary Day